
Meet Our Principal

Pictured: Principal Marina Orozco-Ngu

My name is Marina Orozco-Ngu, and I had the honor of being a teacher for 10 years! I have my Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education (endorsed in ESL, Bilingual, & Spanish), a Master's degree in Higher Education, and now proudly, my administrator’s license. I chose education as my career because I believe in being part of a community effort and leaving lasting impacts in our schools and our local and global communities. I am a strong advocate for equity in education and will work to create a positive educational experience for Uni Hill students.

A bit of my interests:
Pets: a dog named Daisy, a bunny named Cricket, and a parakeet
Sports: playing tennis, volleyball, and going hiking
Hobbies: playing the trumpet for Brighton's community orchestra, traveling, volunteering, going to plays, planting flowers
Authors: Maya Angelou, Gary Soto, Pam Munoz Ryan, Yuyi Morales
Countries Traveled to: Mexico, Spain, Portugal, France, Bahamas, Italy
Inspired by: my family through their constant support and Cesar Chavez for his peaceful endeavors and working for the people.

Mi nombre es Marina Orozco-Ngu, ¡y tuve el honor de ser maestra durante 10 años! Tengo mi licenciatura en Educación Primaria (respaldada en ESL, Bilingüe y Español), una Maestría en Educación Superior y ahora con orgullo, mi licencia de administradora. Elegí la educación como mi carrera porque creo en ser parte de un esfuerzo comunitario y dejar un impacto duradero en nuestras escuelas y nuestras comunidades locales y globales. Soy una firme defensora de la equidad en la educación y trabajaré para crear una experiencia educativa positiva para los estudiantes de Uni Hill.

Un poco de mis intereses: Mascotas: una perrita llamada Daisy, un conejito llamado Cricket, y un pajarito
Deportes: jugar al tenis, voleibol y caminar en las montañas
Pasatiempos: tocar la trompeta para la orquesta comunitaria de Brighton, viajar, ser voluntaria, ir a obras de teatro, y plantar flores.
Autores: Maya Angelou, Gary Soto, Pam Munoz Ryan, Yuyi Morales
Países a los que viaje: México, España, Portugal, Francia, Bahamas, Italia
Inspirado por: mi familia a través de su constante apoyo y César Chávez por sus esfuerzos pacíficos y su trabajo por la gente.

Meet Our Assistant Principal

Picture of Assistant Principal Sara Nelson

Dear University Hill Community,

I am overjoyed to return to the Uni Hill community this year as the assistant principal! I taught second grade at Uni Hill from 2015-2021. Over the years I have served in six different dual language schools as a classroom teacher, literacy interventionist, and a curriculum innovator. From 2021-2023 I served BVSD as an instructional coach, working with teachers newer to the profession, and supporting improvements with foundational skills instruction in English literacy at Kohl Elementary in Broomfield. I am so happy to be back at Uni Hill in this new role!

At Uni Hill, bilingualism and biliteracy bring us together. We choose this school because we value multiculturalism, collaboration, language learning, and a well rounded education so our students may someday choose their futures. Our principal Marina Orozco-Ngu and I have always enjoyed collaborating as teachers. I am super excited to support her as we hold the whole for our community, collaborating with students, families, staff, and the community at large. Uni Hill is truly a gem! Let’s nurture it together!

Ilook forward to reconnecting with the families I know and getting to know the new families. Please say hello when you get the chance. I look forward to working with you this year!

Sara A Nelson